Could This Be the End of the Console Wars?

For years I have wished for the top console companies to merge together to manufacture the ultimate gaming console that allows for cross platform communities to collide.  Who else would rather have one console that can play multiple game platforms.  I personally enjoy playing League of Legends on PC, but enjoy raiding it out on Destiny 2 on PS4, and I always have an itch to smash some friends on Super Smash Bros on Nintendo Switch.  I, along with many other gamers, would utilize the possibilities and functionalities that could exist by having a console with the capabilities of hosting several gaming platforms.

According to Luke Plunkett's post, a company called Origin has developed a box that has hardware for a personal computer, Xbox One X, PlayStation Pro , and a Nintendo Switch.  Unfortunately, this product is not for sale and was made for experimental purposes for the company's tenth birthday celebration. 

The fact that a company was able to innovate such an incredible feat means the possibility to have such a console in the future is within our reach.  Based off of the post written by Plunkett, the invention is incredibly expensive which is part of the reason why it is not for sale.  Makes sense when someone has put the top console platforms into one box, as well as install the best processor on the market.  This ultimate console has a i9-9900k processor, as well as the best graphics card on the market Nvidia Titan RTX.  This impeccable machine also contains an incredible memory and storage with a 64GB RAM, and a whopping 14TB hard drive. 

A PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, All In The One System


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