Hardstuck Silver in League of Legends?

There is a point in time in League of Legends where all hope seems to be lost and you're slowly but surely creeping into elo hell.  At one point or another, everyone seems to settle at a plateau in League of Legends where their rank isn't increasing.  I struggled with this for several seasons of League of Legends.  I felt like no matter what I could do to achieve Gold Tier, it was not working.  My goal was to try to at least reach Gold Tier, just for the season rewards.  I tried to play every single role available and still had no success of climbing the ladder.  Fortunately,  I found that playing champions like Morgana(mid-lane), Volibear(top-lane), and Pyke(jungle) were keys to my success.  Disclaimer, some of my choices (most of them probably) were not geared towards the current meta.  I played champions I knew how to play, and new how to be successful with them.  By familiarizing myself with optimal items, I was able to use champions effectively the way I knew how to play them.  My advice would be to play what you're comfortable with, and then search new ways to carry with those champions.  You may get negative feedback for playing off role champions in lanes that may not be the best champion for that lane, but after all it's just a game.  As long as you don't play Teemo in any lane, your team will get over it.  Furthermore, I have carried myself to Gold Tier in three seasons since season 2.  This isn't an incredible feat, but every time I have been successful in doing so it has been with champions that I am most comfortable with.  If you are struggling with climbing the elo ladder, I recommend that you get away from the meta and play who you know best.  This will only help you by learning your comfortable picks more, itemizing them better, and overall allowing you to enjoy the game even no matter the outcome.

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