
This blog post is not geared towards your average samurai, or an app that causes users to slice up various fruits.  This blog is about the ever so talented gamer named Tyler Blevins, also known as Ninja.  Ninja started out his gaming career playing the Halo series on Xbox, being the immensely gifted gamer he was, he was able to sweep the competition in several tournaments.  Nowadays, Ninja is a public icon to many individuals.  His preference is mainly the popular battle royale game, Fortnite.  There is no doubt that Ninja will continue to improve his skill set to games on the horizon.  The mindset that he is able to apply to any games grants him an impeccable advantage over his competition.  Ninja has dedicated many days to reach the skill level of one of the best Fortnite players in the world as well as one of the best PC gamers in the world.  In a way Ninja is his own brand, the level of gaming content that he is capable of producing is exceptional.  Not only is he making the correct moves on the virtual battlefield, but he is making moves off the battlefield as well.  Big companies like Samsung, Red Bull, Uber Eats, and more have partnered with Ninja to support his content.  This is huge when it comes to the gaming community, these are companies that most individuals are able to distinguish and recognize with ease.  By having sponsors, like the ones Ninja has, the possibilities are endless.

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