PC Gaming Over Console Gaming

The battle between gaming platforms has been an ongoing topic since gaming emerged.  Whether it is Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox, or PC, gamers have a particular preference for what platform they like to play on.  Some of these factors could be due to the variety of games offered on a platform, the fact that games tend to be more fluid on a particular platform, or simply that your friends play on a certain platform so you feel obligated to join them.

For this individual, he was all about console gaming before he made the transition to join the PC realm.  Zachary Anderson used to be all in with console gaming before he made the switch to PC.  "I played console games for seven years before I switched to PC" says Zach, "PC gaming offers much more of a variety of games and the processors on a PC allow for higher frame rate optimization."  There are services such as Steam that allow users to purchase games directly to their PC hard drives.  Services like these have game libraries full of different games that individuals can choose from, some of these games are offered on different platforms, but much of these games are exclusive for PC gamers.  According to Zach, "The PC gaming communities are much better than console communities.  I feel challenged as a player in new ways that I wasn't able to find while I was a console gamer.  If I could start over and put the time into PC gaming as I did with console gaming and joined PC gaming at the start, I couldn't imagine what my skill level would be at."


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