The Future Is ESports

Video Games are more popular than ever.  If you have ever been on or the Twitch App then you have a clear understanding that there are hundreds of thousands of players playing all types of video games.  The popularity is not with the newer modern games, some nostalgic content also emerges onto the streaming channels as well.  Along with the rise of gamers, a professional league of video games has been established as eSports.  ESports is like having ESPN for video game tournaments.  It is comparable to having a fan base of a professional football team, but for gamers.  Well this is exactly the atmosphere that has been generated for professional eSports athletes.  Imagine having an entire arena filled with crowds of people cheering on their favorite team as the go head to head with teams from all over the entire world.  This is a reality to the eSports leagues.  I personally enjoy watching the League of Legends eSports channel on Twitch when the LCS seasons are live.  There is a satisfying sensation when you hear analysts going into depth of the play by play actions that are happening right before your eyes.  The League of Legends eSports have been happening since 2011, just two years after making it's debut.  However, newer games have followed this trend by enrolling their participants into tournaments.  Fortnite was quick to jump on the eSports wagon.  Other games such as Overwatch, CounterStrike, Dota 2, Call of Duty, Super Smash Bros, and much more have taken the opportunity to join the league of eSports as well.  As eSports become more popular, more games will opt in to tournaments, competitions from all over the world will emerge, and champions will be crowned.

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